Friday, September 19, 2008


Today was not a typical day.
The momarazzi has been growing things as you can see on her blog
Well, some of the things are starting to grow and will need an outdoor bed.
She wanted a bed about 2 feet high so that it would be easy to sit on the wall to work in the planting bed.
Well, in typical fashion, we decided to go for the overkill.
We will lay the block later this weekend, but we decided to pour the footer first.

There was already some concrete on what will be the front, so we formed up for the sides and drilled in for some re-bar that we will set in front and the sides.

Then, with some technical assistance from her HTH and a bit of concrete mixing pointers and labor, we poured the concrete.

So, throughout the day, about half before the trip to Lowe's to get everything and about half after we finished, I made a sock.

So, footers and something for feet all in one day!


Madelyn said...

Whooa! This moves "made thing" to a whole new level!

vicki said...

yeah, concrete is not one of my usual mediums