Monday, August 25, 2008


So, today's thing comes with a story, or two.
First off, Buck got adopted by a kitten. This kitten, going by the name of Little Buddy, and Charlie had a disagreement about Little Buddy's right to keep all his fur in one piece.

Little Buddy will now be wearing an e-collar for a while as he goes through the process of surgeries to recover himself as it were.
Little Buddy seems as pleased with the concept of a plastic e-collar as Buddy cat was, so, time to make a Buddy Hat for Little Buddy.Bear was quite a reluctant model.

She doesn't understand why she isn't allowed to see the rest of the world.

And, well, since L.B. will be inside now, he better get ready for football season.

One of the challenges with this, is that I don't have a kitten here to try this on. So, the pipe cleaners that are sewn in are to be able to create some adjustability, to make it smaller to be able to fit a little Buddy.